Is Panama The New America

Panama fun facts.
1 - Panama has NO hurricanes
2 - Panama has a thriving Metropolitan city in Panama City
3 - Panama has secure banking institutions
4 - Panama has a climate for everyone, city, beaches, mountains
5 - Panama uses the US Dollar as its currency
6 - Panama is a short flight from many major cities in the USA
7 - Panama has many English speaking folks, Spanish is the main language
8 - Panama welcomes foreigners to live and work.

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Is that an old school bus?

Day 302 Monday (Lunes) - Panama City

In Panama there is some very rich culture and part of that culture is the original public transportation on old US school buses called Diablo Rojo's aka Red Devils.  Sure these buses are the cause of many accidents on the streets and sure they do not have A/C, but for 25 cents you can ride anywhere in the city and for a buck or two head into the interior of the country on these culture filled transports.  Each Diablo Rojo is painted to fit the personality of the driver/owner and the art work is pretty interesting indeed. You will see these beasts all over the place BUT Panama is growing up and they are starting to get rid of these cultural icons and replacing them with modern Metro Buses, see my other blog.  So we walk out of our condo the other day and WHAM, there are 2 of these beautifully painted buses waiting for a picture, so here they are.

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