Is Panama The New America

Panama fun facts.
1 - Panama has NO hurricanes
2 - Panama has a thriving Metropolitan city in Panama City
3 - Panama has secure banking institutions
4 - Panama has a climate for everyone, city, beaches, mountains
5 - Panama uses the US Dollar as its currency
6 - Panama is a short flight from many major cities in the USA
7 - Panama has many English speaking folks, Spanish is the main language
8 - Panama welcomes foreigners to live and work.

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Panama Woman gets another blog shot

Day 66 – Sunday (Domingo) – 04/12/2011 – Playa Coronado

Hi all, OK back again this time with some Maracuya or passion fruit.  This fruit grows everywhere here in Panama and is a very healthy drink alternative.  The fruit itself is very easy to pick and to take apart (unlike my last blog on Plantains - which are very difficult to take apart).

Follow the steps below to a delicious drink.  Enjoy.
Bag of Maracuya

Slice them open

Peel them open

Squeeze the juice out
Strain away the seeds
Panama Man enjoying a Passion Fruit Drink
We're Sorry, this picture may be Rated R due to the consumption of Passion Fruit.

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