Is Panama The New America

Panama fun facts.
1 - Panama has NO hurricanes
2 - Panama has a thriving Metropolitan city in Panama City
3 - Panama has secure banking institutions
4 - Panama has a climate for everyone, city, beaches, mountains
5 - Panama uses the US Dollar as its currency
6 - Panama is a short flight from many major cities in the USA
7 - Panama has many English speaking folks, Spanish is the main language
8 - Panama welcomes foreigners to live and work.

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 68 Tuesday (Martes) - Playa Coronado

Martes is card night in Coronado. The game kicks off at 3pm and ends with last round at 8pm. The only game in town is Texas Hold em. The usual crowd gets us 8-10 players.

The Panama Man himself has not done so well yet in my time playing but heck I have plenty of time. I am waiting in the wings to gain my traction.

Panama Woman was scouring the internet last night and also watching good ole American tv on USTVNOW.COM. This website streams stations from the states. Up to date, no time delay here.

Golf cart cruising on Wednesday.


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