Is Panama The New America

Panama fun facts.
1 - Panama has NO hurricanes
2 - Panama has a thriving Metropolitan city in Panama City
3 - Panama has secure banking institutions
4 - Panama has a climate for everyone, city, beaches, mountains
5 - Panama uses the US Dollar as its currency
6 - Panama is a short flight from many major cities in the USA
7 - Panama has many English speaking folks, Spanish is the main language
8 - Panama welcomes foreigners to live and work.

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Let's talk visa's

Day 144 Wednesday (Miercoles) = Playa Coronado

So, we are approaching our 180 day tourist visa limit. What that means is we have to leave Panama for 72 hours before we can return.  In our case we are flying back to the states, specifically Chicago to visit our youngest daughter. I know what you are thinking, Chi-town in March? dumb-asses, leaving high 80's for 30,40, maybe 50!!!

We are considered pters, perpetual tourists, you can just always leave every 180 days forever, yet there are more permanent ways.

Pensionado is the most popular - show a guaranteed income from some sort of pension of $1200 and you get a permanent resident visa. which means you do not have to leave.

Another way to gain permanent residency visa is through economic or self solvency. 300,000 in property or a time deposit 5 year term gets you to stay.

Now these things often, so always check updated information before deciding'

As for us? Well we will stay pters for awhile, but economic solvency is a good avenue we are exploring. NOW, this does not mean you give up citizenship' it only means you do not have to leave Panama, that's all.

ok for now. radio show tomorrow and the panama man will be live for a couple of segments, be sure to tune in at 4pm eastern time.

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